A podcast about VR game design.

Tune in every two weeks to hear two VR developers talk about the exciting new medium of Virtual Reality. Expect design insights, technical breakdowns, and hot takes that are sure to get angry comments!


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Episodes release every other Wednesday, with occasional bonus content on off-weeks.

Episode 35: Horizon Worlds (The Metaverse Part 2)

Read the show notes.

[Episode Length: 35:36]


Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 20: Blaston: Bosses and Back Alleys

Blaston’s new update brings multiplayer lounge spaces and a single player campaign. Massively expanding a game isn’t easy. We walk through the new content, then talk through the new opportunities and issues for Blaston’s future.

Blaston’s new update brings multiplayer lounge spaces and a single player campaign. Massively expanding a game isn’t easy. We walk through the new content, then talk through the new opportunities and issues for Blaston’s future.


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 19: Carmack’s App Reviews

Legendary developer John Carmack is back to publishing VR app reviews, this time for the Oculus Quest platform. His nuanced approach abandons stars and numbers for more insightful commentary and suggestions for improvement. We also compare his stringent quality bar with the quality bar of the Oculus store.

Legendary developer John Carmack is back to publishing VR app reviews, this time for the Oculus Quest platform. His nuanced approach abandons stars and numbers for more insightful commentary and suggestions for improvement. We also compare his stringent quality bar with the quality bar of the Oculus store. 

Carmack's App Reviews

Carmack's App Reviews: Space Shooter


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 18: Path of the Warrior

We unleash our inner karate kids this week with Path of the Warrior; a VR love letter to old-school Beat-Em-Up arcade games. Goons get punched, food gets munched, and ultimately things get underwhelming as we discuss the highs and lows of these rage filled streets.

We unleash our inner karate kids this week with Path of the Warrior; a VR love letter to old-school Beat-Em-Up arcade games. Goons get punched, food gets munched, and ultimately things get underwhelming as we discuss the highs and lows of these rage filled streets.


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 17: Remembering Red Matter

Red Matter shows us how VR can take players to new worlds - why haven’t we heard about it!?

Red Matter is a great example of where VR can take players when you rely on grounded principles and wide usage of solid interactions...then why have we barely heard about it!? Today we’re exploring that question and more! Join us for insightful discussion on the mechanics, storytelling, and performance of this eerie adventure title.


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

My brain feels like a smooth lump of stone.

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 16: Exploring The Climb's New DLC

The Climb 2's new DLC almost satisfies the Tomb Raider itch. What does this mean for the future of The Climb?

The Climb 2 got new levels! In them, Carlos found an experience closer to Tomb Raider than The Climb. This week we discuss: How does the DLC improve on the base game? What future do we see for The Climb after playing the DLC? And could The Climb deliver on a Tomb Raider experience for VR?

The Climb 2


  • 1:30 - The Climb 2 vs Tomb Raider

  • 7:29 - The Climb 2 DLC

  • 20:35 - Where could The Climb go next? (Mechanics)

  • 28:15 - Opportunities for Next-gen Tech

  • 30:28 - Opportunities for better feedback to player

  • 35:42 - Where could The Climb go next? (Game Modes)

Other Things We Mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Very fast turnaround on this one - for once, we’re actually talking about something very recent!

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 15: This is why you don’t play more VR

Over 40% of VR players only use their headset once a month or less. Why? Using Demeo as an example, we explore the reasons for this phenomenon.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Over 40% of VR players only use their headset once a month or less. Why is this? Using Demeo as an example, we explore the reasons for this retention fall-off.



  • 0:58 - Comment Callout

  • 3:25 - Funks and TIDI

  • 9:42 - Demeo

  • 13:06 - Tiredness

  • 20:37 - Inertia

  • 28:07 - Discomfort

  • 32:13 - Indecision

Other Games We Mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 14: Pistol Whip As A Service

The VR games market is evolving, and Pistol Whip -- with its latest “2089” update -- is the perfect lens for examining how.

The VR games market is evolving. Pistol Whip -- and its latest “2089” update -- is the perfect lens for examining the changing expectations for VR games. Will all VR games be expected to provide free updates? What impact does this have on game design? Listen in for these answers and more!


  • 0:50 - Pistol Whip

  • 3:41 - Gameplay Modifiers and Haptics

  • 9:21 - Content Updates and 2089

  • 23:21 - Cloudhead Games and the VR market

  • 27:07 - Games as a Service

  • 31:05 - Modularity

  • 35:20 - Final Thoughts

Other Games We Mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Seriously, if you haven’t played Pistol Whip… go play it!

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 13: The Hardware Future

We look at the new PSVR 2 controllers, compare the pros and cons of different VR hardware platforms, and peek into the future of VR hardware.

We look at the new PSVR 2 controllers, compare the pros and cons of different VR hardware platforms, and peek into the future of VR hardware.


  • 1:45 - Introduction

    2:50 - VR Controller Standard

    6:20 - Vive Wands and PS Move

    10:28 - Dualshock and PSVR

    15:15 - Inside-out Tracking

    17:37 - Wired vs Wireless

    21:15 - What does the next 5 years look like?

    27:54 - PSVR2 Tracking Ring

    30:44 - The "Face Factor"

    33:30 - Outro

Other Games We Mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This is by far our favorite episode so far. If you have feedback on our evolving style, drop a comment on the subreddit!

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 12: Swarm

Swarm is the newest grapple hook game in town and it’s bringing out the big guns (literally)! Will it perform well?

Swarm is a new fast-paced, arcade-style grapple shooter, and we think it’s going to perform pretty well. But why do we think that, and what do the developers need to do to ensure it? This week, listen to us inspect (and recommend) the game from a developer’s perspective.

Check out Swarm.


  • 1:23 - Swarm

  • 7:40 - Grappling Hook Mechanic

  • 13:26 - Motion Sickness

  • 15:27 - Combat Loop Rhythm

  • 22:21 - Juice

  • 25:45 - Post-Launch Expansion

  • 28:40 - FTUE

  • 30:58 - Marketing

  • 34:30 - Final Thoughts

Other Games We Mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This was the fastest we’ve turned around an episode yet. It came out pretty well!

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 11: How To Train Your Player

“The designer doesn’t come in the box.” How exactly do you train your player to play your game?

“The designer doesn’t come in the box.”

It’s easy for designers to forget that players don’t initially know how to play their games, and adding tutorials too late in production can lead to bad first time user experiences (FTUE). As always, VR only complicates the problem. This week, we discuss all these issues and more. How exactly do you train your player to play your game?


  • 0:58 - Introduction

  • 4:50 - FTUE

  • 7:56 - "Glimmer Grove" Example

  • 10:45 - Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners

  • 17:30 - Limiting The Lessons

  • 21:00 - Avoid Teaching the Wrong Thing (Battlewake)

  • 24:36 - Player Expectations

  • 27:47 - Ongoing Instruction

  • 31:06 - The VR “Wow!” Moment

  • 33:56 - Building Feedback into your Mechanics

  • 35:50 - VR Conventions

  • 39:09 - Wrap-up

Games we mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Hey there, gorgeous! Thanks for checking out the post-show notes. User and Usability testing are actually quite close to my heart - let us know if you want to hear more about it!

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 10: Population One

We talk about POPULATION: ONE, the next big VR battle royale. The marketplace of ideas has now become an arena... and to the victor goes the bananas.

We talk about POPULATION: ONE, the next big VR battle royale. Carlos raves about the game while Matt brings a critical eye to temper the fandom. The marketplace of ideas has now become an arena...and to the victor goes the bananas.

Things we mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 9: LOCO-motion!

Smooth or Teleport? Game developers have to design content that works for all players. How hard could it be?

Smooth or Teleport? Armswing or Joystick? These are some of the most contentious questions in the VR community, but as developers we have to know how to design content that works for all players. Listen in to hear how game developers think about how you move in VR!


  • 01:09 - Why do we need both Teleport and Smooth Locomotion?

  • 05:26 - Exceptions to the rule

  • 10:20 - Challenges of Teleport Locomotion

  • 13:15 - Feature Idea: Edge-Aligned Teleport

  • 18:10 - Challenges of Smooth Locomotion

  • 30:06 - Designing for Both Methods

Things we mention:

Games we mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Seriously, check out Hybrid Locomotion. The guy behind it is a total beast, pumping out lots of cool videos and demos. I’m not sure I agree 100% with his design paradigms, but there are great lessons to be taken from his innovative mechanics.

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 8: Talk With Me, Not At Me! (Story Moments in VR)

Join us for an exploration of Lone Echo and Half-Life: Alyx. How do they excel at telling human-focused stories, and where do they falter? Listen to find out!

Humans need human stories. Lone Echo and Half-Life: Alyx deliver two of the best human stories in VR to date. Where do they excel, and what could be improved? Join us for an exploration of these games and insight into the future of VR storytelling.


  • 00:51 - Introduction

  • 02:04 - Storytelling Challenges in Games

  • 10:49 - Lone Echo

  • 31:33 - Half-Life: Alyx

  • 41:25 - Larger Takeaways


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

No post-show notes today!

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 7: The (Side)Quest for More Games

Did you know there’s a whole other storefront for Quest games? Come along with us and discover a whole new world of indie games, demos, betas, and experimental experiences!

Did you know there’s a whole other storefront for Quest games? It’s not a black market, it’s not hard to get access to, and lots of the games are free. Come along with us and discover a whole new world of indie games, demos, betas, and experimental experiences!

Timestamps and Links:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Hey, if you’re reading this, make sure you’re subscribed to our email list! That’s the simplest way to help us know you exist and stay connected to the show.

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 6: Recommendation Royale

Did you recently get an Oculus Quest? Are you “out of games to play”? Look no further for a comprehensive list of our best recommendations.

Did you recently get an Oculus Quest? Are you “out of games” to play? We give a rundown of our favorite games on the platform, categorized by their appeal and friendliness to new VR users. Look no further for the comprehensive list of Head Mounted Destinations-approved games.

Timestamps and Links:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

No post-show notes today!

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

BONUS - VR Quadcopter Battle Royale!?

Ever wonder what it sounds like when game developers brainstorm game ideas? WONDER NO MORE! In this off-the-clock brainstorm session we discuss a new take on a popular genre.

Ever wonder what it sounds like when game developers brainstorm game ideas? WONDER NO MORE! In this off-the-clock brainstorm session we discuss a new take on a popular genre.

Don’t take this too seriously, lol. We love slinging around blue-sky ideas, but it’s a far cry between this kind of idle chat and actually seeing a game spec-ed out, greenlit, funded, prototyped, developed, polished, and shipped.

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Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 5: Better Living Through Lobbies

We take an in-depth look at VR game lobbies - our experiences with them, their benefits and downsides, and ways to evolve them in the future.

We take an in-depth look at VR game lobbies -- our experiences with them, their benefits, downsides, and ways to evolve them in the future. Be sure to check out the extra links at the top of the show notes!


  • 1:05 - Echo Arena and Rec Room

  • 6:42 - Lobby Culture and Demographics

  • 12:00 - Lobby Activities

  • 13:12 - Star Trek Bridge Crew

  • 17:30 - What would be the perfect lobby?

  • 24:10 - Privacy Spectrum

  • 31:30 - Cosmetics and Creating a Home

Things we mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

No post-show notes today!

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