A podcast about VR game design.

Tune in every two weeks to hear two VR developers talk about the exciting new medium of Virtual Reality. Expect design insights, technical breakdowns, and hot takes that are sure to get angry comments!


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Episodes release every other Wednesday, with occasional bonus content on off-weeks.

Episode 35: Horizon Worlds (The Metaverse Part 2)

Read the show notes.

[Episode Length: 35:36]


Matt Levonian Matt Levonian

Episode 16: Exploring The Climb's New DLC

The Climb 2's new DLC almost satisfies the Tomb Raider itch. What does this mean for the future of The Climb?

The Climb 2 got new levels! In them, Carlos found an experience closer to Tomb Raider than The Climb. This week we discuss: How does the DLC improve on the base game? What future do we see for The Climb after playing the DLC? And could The Climb deliver on a Tomb Raider experience for VR?

The Climb 2


  • 1:30 - The Climb 2 vs Tomb Raider

  • 7:29 - The Climb 2 DLC

  • 20:35 - Where could The Climb go next? (Mechanics)

  • 28:15 - Opportunities for Next-gen Tech

  • 30:28 - Opportunities for better feedback to player

  • 35:42 - Where could The Climb go next? (Game Modes)

Other Things We Mention:


Furious Freak by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3791-furious-freak

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Very fast turnaround on this one - for once, we’re actually talking about something very recent!

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